

Stewardship is the grateful and responsible use of the gifts we receive from a good and gracious God: our time, our talents, our possessions, and our environment.


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Financial Stewardship

"The outward work can never be small if the inward one is great, and the outward work can never be great if the inward one is small or of little worth." 

Meister Eckhart, 14th century German mystic.

  • Consecration Sunday

Members and friends of the congregation can pledge their financial support to Faith's budget for the upcoming calendar year.

  • Pledge Form 

You can bring your completed plege form to church or return it to the church office by mail. Online Commitment.

  • Simply Giving® Program 

Members have the option to make recurring contributions to Faith directly from their checking accounts. Download a Simply Giving Authorization Form   and return it  to the church office.


Areas of Interest Inventory

God has called us through our mission goals to be a bold expression of God’s love. As we seek to be good stewards of this call, throughout the year we will be asking you to support our mission.

Complete the Areas of Interest Inventory



Environmental Stewardship

Activities are advertised in our newsletter and may be posted on the church calendar.

Recycling programs 

Currently we collect and recycle the items below. Designated containers are outside of the church office.

  • Acceptable drink bottle caps and container lids
  • M&M wrappers and potato chip bags

Mission Endowment Fund

A Mission Endowment Fund was created by Faith church to be a perpetual source of revenue to support and extend the ministries of the congregation. Learn more.

Click here for the Will and Estate Planning Survey. 

© 2025 Faith Lutheran Church
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